‘Hangxiety’ - drink smart.

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What effect is alcohol having on our mental health?

Whatever reason you may be reading this, the majority know what a hangover feels like. 

The banging head, the fear of not remembering what was said in the last few hours of conversation or how you got home, a groggy, ‘aggy’ mood, an unquenchable thirst, uneasiness and hunger for food that certainly isn’t a kale smoothie - undoing all the hard work from the weeks HIIT classes. 

So, we know it doesn’t exactly feel good, but what is drinking alcohol actually doing to us? 

Well, good mental health is regulated by chemicals in the brain, and regular, heavy drinking impacts that functionality, affecting the neurotransmitters, acting as a depressant. You could say that having a drink to relieve stress is fairly counterintuitive in the long run as it makes stress harder to deal with.

As our bodies process the alcohol, we can experience psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression or agitation which can continue through to a hangover and why some of us face or faced dreaded ‘Hanxiety’.

Drinking alcohol can also impact our sleep, lower our immunity, our concentration and motivation. Those who have removed alcohol are likely to recognise this with improved energy levels, better nights sleep, physical health and overall mood! 

These positive benefits are becoming more recognised and turning people to alcohol alternatives. This way of life means fitness efforts aren’t reversed by drinking, motivation can remain high at work or in other activities and sleep is sounder. 

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One of our members Fiona Sharland shared with with us how alcoholic alternatives became a part of her life over the past year. ‘A non-alcoholic drink in my favourite glass has been the perfect way to round up the long day working from home throughout lockdown. To me, it signals the end of the working day and time to treat myself to something delicious, but without the side effects from drinking alcohol. I feel so much more refreshed, I sleep better and I can focus much more the next day when I replace may mid week 6pm tipple with a non-alcoholic alternative, and it still gives me the same feeling that it’s time to shut down the computer and enjoy my evening.’

You can now sign up for your very own JOMO Box, filled with alcohol free alternatives, guides and an experience to make you want more. Find out which one is right for you below.


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