Practicing mindfulness: your way!


Two years ago, Mindfulness wasn’t in my vocabulary. I was a gym lover, a runner, a yogi. I had a clean diet and I was known for my naps and long sleeps. All those things made me feel good and distanced me from my busy life.

Over the past year, I have started to dip my toe into what mindfulness really means - in definition and for our mind and body.

The dictionary states mindfulness is ‘a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.’

Mindfulness can be practiced at any moment it is needed. This can be with a deep breath or simply a pause in thinking.

To get started, here’s our guide to the basics :

  1. Get yourself to a quiet place without distraction and sit or lie down - whatever is comfy for you.

  2. Observe the moment. How is your body feeling on the material you are sitting on? What noises are around you.

  3. Leave your stressors out of this practice. When a thought comes into your head, take them in and let them out again bringing yourself back to the present moment.

  4. To start with, it can be hard to fully immerse yourself into your practice, allowing your thoughts to go. It can also be easy to not commit to the full practice. This becomes easier the more you do it - as with anything.

Guided meditation.

To begin with, or even forever, you may prefer guided meditation. Someone will guide you through the practice meaning you can focus on their voice and if your mind wanders, they will help you stay on track.

Mindfulness is a very personal journey - no one method suits all, and that’s okay.

For some, meditation doesn’t suit at all, however if you are finding headspace in the thing you are doing - whether that be going for a walk, doing a workout, having a bath, listening to music, then that is the approach that is right for you!

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Whatever method allows you to be completely present and not overwhelmed by what is going on around you.

During this Mindful May however, why not give meditation a go? We can all take some more time for ourselves.

We have compiled our recommended apps:



Simple Habit

The Honest Guys


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