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Why Going Alcohol-Free is Good For Your Heart Health

There is a popular belief that a little bit of alcohol every day is good for your heart. But is that actually the case? Well, the truth is, as always, more complicated than that. So let’s dig into it. 

Does Alcohol Protect You From Heart Problems?

The myth that a glass of red wine a day keeps the heart doctor away is not exactly as it seems, yet many people still seem to believe it. 

There is some evidence that low levels of red wine alcohol consumption can protect from coronary heart disease. But, before you start reaching for the wine, this is only the case for a specific population - women over 50 years. 

This is also only the case when drinking less than one unit of alcohol per day. Drinking more than that increases the risk of coronary heart disease. 

In reality, the harmful side effects of drinking one unit of alcohol a day outweigh any protective properties it might have.

How Does Alcohol Affect Your Heart?

There is a clear link between drinking alcohol and various aspects of cardiovascular health. For example, there is a clear link between regularly drinking alcohol and high blood pressure. Over time high blood pressure can increase your risk of having a heart attack or a stroke due to the extra strain it puts on your heart. 

Drinking alcohol can also lead to serious heart conditions, such as arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms). They also increase your risk of cardiomyopathy, a condition where your heart muscle is damaged and can’t function as efficiently. Many of these conditions also increase your risk of having a stroke. 

How Much Alcohol Is Safe to Drink?

So how much alcohol is it safe to drink? Well, recently, the World Heart Federation declared that no amount of alcohol is good for your heart. So to keep your heart as healthy as possible, it is better to avoid all alcohol.

Of course, the reality is that many people still want to consume a moderate amount of alcohol. But it is important to realise that this does increase your risk of cardiovascular illness. So you really can’t use “it’s good for my heart” as an excuse to drink anymore!

How Does Going Alcohol-Free Help Your Cardiovascular Health?

Switching to alcohol-free lowers your chance of cardiovascular illness because you take the strain off your heart. 

One thing that can really help you switch to an alcohol-free lifestyle is the rise in alcohol-free drinks now available. There are over 500 alcohol-free spirits alone. This means you can enjoy a delicious, sophisticated, and adult drink without ever needing to touch a drop of alcohol again. 

Some alcohol-free drinks even contain botanicals that will help keep your blood pressure low and provide nutrients that improve the overall health of your heart. 

Alcohol-Free Spirits That Help Your Heart

Many alcohol-free spirits include botanicals such as ginger and grapefruit that are good for long-term cardiovascular health. Some of our favourite alcohol-free spirits that can be good for long-term heart health include:


  • Crossip Pure Hibiscus

  • MYTH Spiced Dark Cane Alcohol

  • Feragaia

  • Pentire Seaward

  • High Point Ruby Aperitif

These all contain a range of botanicals that can keep your heart healthier. 

Sign Up For An Alcohol-Free Subscription

So if you want to switch to alcohol-free, a JOMO Club alcohol-free subscription can help you explore the exciting world of alcohol-free drinks. With a JOMO alcohol-free subscription, you will regularly receive a hamper filled to the brim with alcohol-free goodies. All this, directly to your front door.

Every product included in the JOMO subscription box is chosen because it is interesting, delicious and produced by an ethical and sustainable brand. You won’t find these drinks in the supermarket. The hampers are thoughtfully curated meaning that you will receive the perfect box of treats to match the season.

Each box contains:

  • A full-sized alcohol-free spirit

  • Paired mixers, garnish and alcohol-free cocktail recipes

  • Snacks

  • A range of ready-to-drink alcohol-free drinks

  • A glossy magazine with everything you need to know about your new alcohol-free goodies.

So if you are ready to start taking your heart health seriously, then why not sign up for a JOMO Club subscription and start finding the joy of missing out?