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What is Dry January All About? How and Why to Do It!

January, the first month of the new year, is often associated with new years resolutions. It's the month where we set our intentions for the year ahead, and for many, it is a month to detox from the festive season - for example, by giving up alcohol.

And that is where dry January comes in.

What is Dry January?

Dry January originated from a campaign by Alcohol Change in 2013 and has grown from having 4,000 participants to being a household term that everyone knows.

Dry January is a one-month alcohol-free challenge. The idea is that people who attempt dry January will stay sober for the entire month and give their bodies a rest from alcohol, as well as give themselves space to re-evaluate their relationship with alcohol.

Does Giving Alcohol Up For One Month Actually Help?

By the second year of Dry January, there was already a debate raging about whether one month without alcohol would actually change anything for anyone participating in the challenge.

So Alcohol Change decided to team up with a team at the University of Sussex to investigate the difference the Dry January actually made to participants.

What they found is even six months after the challenge, 70% of Dry January participants (those who used Alcohol Change UK's Try Dry app or coaching emails) were still drinking more mindfully and healthily.

So it seems like giving people space to learn how to socialise without alcohol, and get distance from the habit, even if only for a month, really did make a difference to participants drinking habits. 

What are the benefits of one month sober?

So what are the benefits of Dry January and one-month booze-free? Well, there is a lot of research to show that even just one month sober can already have a big impact on your health and well-being. So here are just a few benefits of Dry January:

  • Health improvements such as lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, lower diabetes risk and less cancer-related protein in the blood.

  • Better sleep, which will help you feel more rested and energised during your waking hours.

  • A longer time improvement in your drinking habits and relationship with alcohol.

  • You are likely to save money. Not only is alcohol expensive, it also encourages us to make expenditures we don’t really need or even want.

  • Your skin will feel much healthier without alcohol.

  • It may help you to lose weight.

When does Dry January Start?

Are you thinking of joining? Then you might already be calculating when Dry January starts. Does it start bang on midnight on the first of January, or do you start it when you wake up on the first?

Well, I am here to tell you that it doesn’t really matter! You can choose to start it at midnight and start the new year with less of a hangover, or you can have your last hoorah before a month of being sober. The main goal is to complete a full month with no alcohol. 

How to do dry January?

One month alcohol-free might sound like quite a tough challenge for you, but with a little help, you can definitely do this. So here are some quick tips on surviving your first Dry January:

  • Find a friend to join you. It can be easier to say no to alcohol when you aren’t the only one not drinking.

  • Download the Alcohol Change Try Dry app to get experienced support for the month.

  • Try alcohol-free alternatives and find a few drinks to enjoy during the month.

  • If you slip up it's not the end of the challenge. Don’t give up!

  • Reflect on how going alcohol-free is changing your life, motivation levels, mental health and energy levels.

How Can You Make Dry January Easier? By Trying JOMO Of Course!

Want to get excited about drinking alcohol-free this January? Then sign up for a JOMO box and find the joy in missing out on alcohol.

Each JOMO alcohol-free hamper contains one full-sized alcohol-free spirit, mixers, garnishes and thoughtful snacks to pair with your drink, as well as a booklet with alcohol-free cocktail suggestions. Alongside this, you will receive several ready-to-drink alcohol-free cans and bottles so you can taste-test a whole range of alcohol-free drinks.

This subscription box is the perfect way to make Dry January a little easier on yourself and enjoy what you are drinking whether is low or non-alcoholic.