Wellbeing Habits that Will Change Your Life

Sometimes it's the small things that help your day-to-day health and wellbeing. And these small habits can feel a lot easier to integrate into your life as they really only take a few minutes each day. So here are some small, day-to-day actions that can help your overall wellbeing and help you live a more mindful and enjoyable life.

Make Your Bed in the Morning

Making your bed each morning is a small habit that only takes about 30 seconds, but can really help you start your day right.

If you make your bed as soon as you get out of it, it is far less tempting to get back into bed. It helps you start your day in a proactive way, instead of sleeping in until the last minute and then rushing off to work with stress. A made bed also makes a room feel a lot cleaner, which in turn helps people to feel calmer.

Do a Short Daily Stretch

Most people carry so much stress in their bodies from just everyday lives. Also, many of us have habits such as hunching over a laptop or computer, wearing non-supportive shoes and slouching when we are tired. So to relieve the stress and tension held in the body a short daily stretch can go a long way.

This doesn’t have to be a full-on half an hour yoga session every day, however great that is. Already a five-minute stretch in your pyjamas whilst in bed will help alleviate and reduce tension in your body. This will help you feel less stressed and avoid injuries.

Write a Dedicated Page or Two Each Morning

Journalling can sound like a big job. But getting into the habit of writing one or two pages of anything each morning can be a great habit to help you clear your mind. You don’t need to write anything deep or interesting, it can simply be random scattered thoughts, no one is going to read this. But by doing this you can get all of your morning stress thoughts onto the page and out of the way.

Once starting this habit you might be surprised by how much this changes your life and outlook. Some mornings it might feel like a chore, but other mornings you might find yourself having realisations about things in your life you were unsure about, or ideas for new projects you want to start.

Try to Clean Five Minutes a Day 

Cleaning the house can feel like a mammoth task. But living in mess and chaos is also not so nice. So a way that you can make cleaning into a much smaller task is to set yourself the target to clean for five minutes a day. Set a timer for five minutes and start picking up random items. You’ll often find that once you get started it is easier to continue cleaning, and you will end up with a much cleaner environment.

Living in a clean and organised environment is so good for your mental health and wellbeing. It is calming, you know where everything is and you don’t have all these unfinished tasks staring you in the face each day. By keeping a place clean with little five-minute spurts of cleaning, you are going to make your living environment so much more comfortable.

Replace Sorry with Thank You

It is very common for people to say “I’m sorry” to everything, whether it's because you were late, or because you asked for help. But a lot of the time these are not things that people need to even be sorry for, yet it can still feel like the polite thing to say.

However, when you say “I’m sorry”, this is a negative expression, it makes you feel like you have something to be sorry for and a reason to feel guilty. A lot of times saying “I’m thank you” works just as well for the other person, and much better for you. When saying thank you you are showing gratitude to the other person without talking yourself down and making yourself smaller.

For example, instead of saying “I’m sorry to ask you this” you could say “Thank you for helping out”. This small change can be very empowering and help you communicate more confidently and have a better self-image. Both of which will greatly increase your health and wellbeing and help you lead a happier life.

End the Day With Gratitude

Another great wellbeing habit that will change your life but takes very little effort, is to end your day with gratitude. Try telling yourself three things you are grateful for at the end of each day. You can choose to write these down or just say them out loud to yourself. Whichever way you choose, it will help you focus on the good things that happened in the day as opposed to the negative ones.

Not only will this help you sleep better, but it will also help you train your mind to focus on the positives where it can. Some days this will be harder than other days, but even on the worst days, you can find some small thing to be grateful for. And it is a great way to strengthen your mind and learn to be grateful.

Drink Mindfully

Drinking mindfully, in this post, does not necessarily mean cutting down on alcohol or going alcohol-free, as that is not really a small habit change. What I mean by drinking mindfully here, is to really focus on what you are drinking, and savour the flavour, the texture and the feel of drinking.

Part of savouring and focussing on what you drink can also be choosing more mindfully what you want to drink. Make a moment out of enjoying your drink, the process of making it and consuming it.

Sign up for a JOMO Subscription 

Looking to make a moment out of each drink? Then the JOMO alcohol-free subscription is perfect for you. Each JOMO box contains all the ingredients for a couple of alcohol-free cocktails: complete with recipes, alcohol-free spirits, mixers, garnishes and even carefully paired snacks. You will really be able to make a moment out of each drink you receive.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for a JOMO alcohol-free subscription now and receive a mindfully curated hamper, filled to the brim with delicious alcohol-free goodies, directly to your front door. That way you can really find the joy in missing out.


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