The life of a Co-founder (warning - it’s about chocolate - you want in on this)

Our virtual sit down with Ed Smith, Doisy & Dam’s Co-founder

We got to know the man behind the D's a little better in this weeks interview. We popped open a bag of their new chocolate covered peanuts and got stuck in - usually it would feel awfully rude to be snacking on a call, but it just felt so right on this occasion.

Q: What what your first job? Stacking shelves at Planet Organic.

Q: What was the first music single you bought? Spice Girls first album on tape. That really ages me, doesn't it?

Q: How do you describe your job to your mates? I think they initially thought it was a bit Wonka-esque. I think they know it's a bit more serious now, but don't actually think we do any work.

Q: What is the most rewarding part of your job? Developing ideas and making them into real things; whether that's a new stand for a trade show or our newly released delicious Peanut D&Ds wink wink plug plug


Q: What is the least rewarding part? There's always some sort of problem, it could be small it could be big, but nothing ever goes 100% right. 

Q: What is your motto in life? Cliched, but don't be a dick.

Q: If you were allowed one dream perk, what would it be? A Doisy & Dam jet or helicopter. It's the closest thing to a tele-porter that exists - a tele-porter would be my fictional perk.

Q: If you could change one thing in grocery, what would it be? More transparency between people buying and selling, all the way from producer to customer. Also more transparency in supply chains - I'm not suggesting every company needs to have impeccable sustainable credentials, as it's not always possible, but just something to make people's choices more informed.

Q: What luxury would you have on a desert island? A functioning shower with shampoo and shower gel - is that three things? 

Q: What animal most reflects your personality? A duck

Q: Favourite film? The hustler because I think Paul Newman is cool.

Q: What was the most embarrassing moment of your life? Kissing my mum's friend on the lips due to an aiming error (in front of my mum)

Q: What would your Death row meal be? So much sushi that I'd welcome my execution!


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