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Seven Top Self Care Tips

Self-care is a phrase that has been thrown around everywhere in recent years. Nowadays people often associate it with self-indulgence and even selfishness. But, more realistically, self-care is taking care of your mental and physical well-being.

Looking after your mental and physical well-being is not always easy, but it is an essential part of living a happy and healthy life. Whilst it would be nice to think that it is simply about taking a bath with a bath bomb, in reality, self-care means taking responsibility for your own personal well-being. Therefore it also involves things like addressing your relationship with food, alcohol and exercise, as well as work and play.

Here are seven ways you can practise self-care to lead a happier, healthier and more connected life.

1. Prioritise Healthy Sleep 

Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the most important factors contributing to our health. It improves your brain performance, your mood and your health. Whilst you are sleeping and resting, your brain is busily repairing your body, processing the events of the day and preparing you for the next day.

Adults should get at least seven hours of undisturbed sleep every night and there are several ways that you can prioritise this:

  • follow a regular sleep schedule;

  • avoid caffeine and large meals before going to sleep;

  • maintain a comfortable sleep environment - bed, pillows, temperature and darkness;

  • avoid alcohol and tobacco.

2. Drink Enough Water

Drinking water is an essential part of self-care. It is necessary for your mental and physical health, but it is easy to forget to keep hydrating. Even as little as 2% fluid loss a day can have big impacts on your health, focus, reaction time and mood. Water plays a role in almost every part of your body and serves many purposes, for example normalising your blood pressure, keeping your joints stable and carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells.

So, to keep your body ticking over healthily and happily, make sure to hydrate fully every day. The UK government recommendation is to drink between 6 and 8 glasses a day, or around 1.2 litres.

If you struggle to keep hydrated, try drinking something other than water, consuming foods with higher water content like soups or fruit, and keeping a water bottle with you at all times.  

3. Exercise Regularly

Regular physical activity is a huge part of self-care. While it may not always be easy to motivate yourself to get out of bed and go for a walk, run or do yoga, it is one of the best things you can do.

Being physically active improves every aspect of your health, from brain health and mood to reducing your risk of illness and keeping your joints healthy. There are few self-care practices as important as regular physical activity.

Exercise, however, doesn’t have to mean doing a high-intensity training session; it can mean much more sedate activities such as going for a walk or doing yin yoga. It is about moving your body and getting your blood flowing. So find the physical activity that makes you happy and stick with that to really take your self-care seriously!

4. Unwind in Nature

Connecting with nature, a less well-known self-care practice, can help improve your mood and your health. One Finnish study found that even just 15 minutes spent in nature can help people feel psychologically restored. It has also been proven that spending time in nature helps with memory, concentration, de-stressing, and even with strengthening your immune system.

So, for an easy self-care practice, find a park, a lake, a river, a forest, or whatever nature you have around you, and spend 15 minutes either sitting there or walking around. It is guaranteed to help you live a happier, healthier life.

5. Eat Enough and Regularly 

Eating enough food at regular intervals during the day is actually quite difficult for many people. Whether it is because they are too busy, too stressed or struggle for other reasons, a lot of people do not get enough nutrients. And without the right nutrients in our bodies, they cannot work as they should.

A well-balanced diet helps you to make enough energy to get through the day. It also helps your body grow and repair, prevents certain illnesses, and keeps your body strong.

6. Focus on Balancing Fun and Work 

 Research shows that people who have hobbies and prioritise spending time on activities they enjoy doing are happier, healthier and have more life satisfaction. This comes as no big surprise, yet it is an aspect of self-care that is often forgotten. Having a healthy work-life balance is essential for the production of ‘happy hormones’ that combat stress and even heart disease. Doing things you care about and enjoy can literally help you live longer.

So to make sure that you work hard but play harder, here are some tips to help you:

  • take up a hobby that interests you, for example, sign up for a painting group, take an improv class, or join a sports team;

  • set boundaries around your work availability to make sure you have time to rest and have fun;

  • follow a regular work schedule if possible so that you can also follow a regular play schedule;

  • find time to meet up with friends and family and prioritise spending time with the people you care about.

7. Cut Down on or Quit Drinking Alcohol 

One of the hardest self-care practices is cutting down on alcohol – or even cutting it out altogether. However, going alcohol-free leads to a huge range of mental and physical benefits, including:

  • more energy – physical and mental;

  • more stable moods and less stress;

  • lower risk of long-term illness including heart conditions and cancer;

  • improved sleep;

  • higher self-esteem;

  • better skin.

These are just a few of the many reasons why giving up alcohol is one of the ultimate self-care practices.

One way to make quitting alcohol easier is to start exploring the world of alcohol-free drinks. With over 500 alcohol-free spirits and numerous alcohol-free wines, beers and ciders, there is a huge selection of different and delicious alcohol-free drinks to enjoy in the place of alcohol.

Sign up for the JOMO Club Alcohol-Free Subscription 

Want to dive into the world of alcohol-free drinks? Then sign up for a JOMO subscription box. With a JOMO subscription, you will regularly receive a hamper, filled to the brim with delicious alcohol-free goodies. Each box is mindfully curated using only the tastiest and most ethical alcohol-free products out there. These come from smaller, lesser-known brands that you won’t find in the supermarket.

So why not take the first step towards a meaningful act of self-care, and order a JOMO alcohol-free subscription? That way you too can discover the Joy of missing out!