Jomo Club

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Mindful drinking - for the sober curious.

Are you thinking about reducing the amount of alcohol you drink? Well, you are not alone with 64% of Brits wanting to do just that!

With deep rooted behaviours we were (and still are) living in a society where drinking is not only socially acceptable, but expected!

It is no secret this drinking culture is putting strain on our healthcare systems, costing the NHS £3.5 billion a year (£120 for every tax payer).

So, why are people starting to stand up against social norms and looking for alcohol alternatives?

  • Healthier lifestyles with a focus on fitness

  • Mental health awareness

  • Work productivity

  • Changing media and social media influences

  • Increased popularity of not drinking - word of mouth

Millennials - renamed ‘generation sober’ by some due to their growing sobriety - are said to be driving the movement.

We too are seeing increasing support from the likes of Club Soda - the mindful drinking movement - organising events such as the Mindful Drinking Festival. Club Soda said they want a “world where no-one feels out of place for not drinking.” Amen to that!

Someone who also changed the pace for the Mindful Drinking movement was Rosamund Dean - journalist for Marie Claire, Red, Grazia and Elle and author of Mindful Drinking: How Cutting Down Can Change Your Life.

The way Rosamund practices Mindful Drinking: ”If I’m celebrating something then I’ll have a glass of champagne and enjoy it or if I’m having a lovely dinner then I’ll have a nice glass of wine. I definitely still drink and I still enjoy it." However there is one rule she stands strongly by: "I no longer drink to deal with stressful or difficult situations. I try and deal with that in a different way now because that’s not the drink you’re going to look back on with a happy memory.”

Our love, strength and thoughts are out with Rosamund.