Kefir Explained: Interview with Tibico Water Kefir

You may know already, we are pretty obsessed with drinks that are packed with health benefits. So, water kefir. What is it. Why should we be drinking it. How should we be drinking it.

Don’t worry, your questions will soon be answered. We speak with Founder of Tibico, William to unpack all the questions we have and have been ased.

Q: Hi guys! Thank you so much for joining us for the April JOMO Box. Can we start by talking through what is in front of us today?

water kefir, gut health

A: Tibico Raspberry and Elderflower, a naturally fermented Sparkling Water Kefir. 

Q: Water Kefir. Can you explain what exactly this is?

A: Tibico is a craft fermentation using nothing others that whole raspberries and elderflowers. All our produce is naturally fermented and locally grown under LEAF Certification, Soil Association Organic and M & S Select Farms Standard.

Q: Can you explain the flavour for those who haven’t tried it yet?

A: The immediate aroma and the first sips just taste of fresh, clean and natural raspberries in a sparkling refreshing drink. Having no alcohol, sugar or sweeteners, the refreshing taste cleanses and doesn’t leave you reaching for a glass of water the quench the thirst. 

Q: Are there benefits associated with drinking it?

A: Every bottle takes 10 days to produce, yielding a potent probiotic profile to support your gut health whilst remaining an amazing taste.

Tibico is the only Water Kefir fermented from whole fruits and therefore your body is benefitting from all the benefits of a probiotic fruit drink without the sugar.

Add to this amino acids, vitamin B and C, antioxidants and naturally produces digestive enzymes for gut health and wellbeing. 

Proven to cleanse the endocrine system, combat acid reflux, hormone balance and aid digestion.

Longer term drinking of Tibico has proved with many customers to help with bloating, IBS, diverticulitis, leaky gut and especially sugar craving.    

Q: How much should we be drinking a day or week?

A: Initially, we would recommend drinking a small bottle a day, or half a large bottle. After a few weeks, this can be dropped to become part of your lifestyle and enjoyed by the whole family.

Q: Should we all be looking after and prioritising our gut health, even those of us who don’t have an obvious ‘problem’? If yes, why do you think this is?

A: Every species on earth is dependent on the bacteria that live in and on their bodies. For humans, we cannot digest fibre and breakdown the resistant starches, minerals and vitamins locked into their complex structures. However evolution has created a healthy gut microbiome with its 100 trillion bacteria to do exactly that. 

Add to this that good bacteria outnumber your bodies immunity (white blood cells) by 200,000 to 1 that work together for a strong immune system.

A healthy microbiome will also support hormone balance, especially menopause. The lactic and folic acids produced in the Tibico fermentation is also a natural antibiotic and antiseptic and helps fight off many yeast and bacterial infections.

Q: Why do you think gut health is starting to come into the spotlight more, along with fermented foods and drinks?

A: We have lost touch with the fact that fermented food and drinks are part of our evolution. Centuries ago we were ‘hunter gatherers’ eating berries, fruits, grains and vegetables. All these contained in some part products of fermentation or the natural bacteria that coated their surfaces. 

These friendly bacteria and yeasts populated our gut and evolved in harmony with humans to support digestion and our immunity.

Post World War 2, the introduction of processed foods, sugars, sweeteners, additives in our food and drink has grown exponentially and continues unabated. Globally we are becoming an obese race, unable to fight most natural infections. From this, the use of antibiotics is killing what is left of our healthy gut bacteria.

The growth in naturally fermented food and drink is very much helping to restore balance in our gut health. However read the labels carefully. Many use natural flavourings (produced in a laboratory), sweeteners and especially those that are pasteurised after fermentation.

The probiotics contained in fermented food are helping the fight, but not a silver bullet. Our microbiome also needs a good diet to remain healthy with high fibre is also as critical. 

Q: What about your story and why you decided to launch Tibico?

A: Cancer. I was one of the people who thought he was fit and healthy. However a high stress life and rich processed diet ended with a carcinoma in situ. I became obsessed with understanding the links between gut health, brain function, immunity and diet and studied for a Masters in Functional Nutrition.

As part of my natural recovery, having refused any chemotherapy or drugs, I started making fermented foods and drink and changed my diet to plant based. 

No joke or exaggeration, I felt the difference in days. Over many months my recovery was complete.

From this understanding I wanted to create a range of potent natural probiotic foods and launched Tibico in 2019. A powerful driver however was to invent a fermentation process where the result tasted refreshing, was completely natural and raw with no additives.

Believe me, it wasn’t easy. Its quite simple to produce a drink with flavourings and sweeteners, but to ferment 100% fruit then separate the trillions of bacteria from the final fermented fruit pulp was very challenging.

However we got there and have immense pride in Tibico and the feedback we get for our customers.

If you read our Trustpilot, the reviews are mostly from customers who have experienced the benefits. To help people with a naturally produced product has been a rich reward. 

Q: What is the best way and setting to enjoy your drinks?

A: Anytime ! Tibico just becomes a part of life. 

I drink Tibico also when I’m feeling a little down, its incredible. However a drink with a high fibre breakfast is a perfect moment to start the day. During the day to refresh and balance and on an evening before bedtime to support a good sleep, especially as Tibico is caffeine free.

Discount code off Tibico’s website: ‘JOMO20’ will give a 20% off the RSP with NEXT DAY FREE DELIVERY anywhere in mainland UK.


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