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How Going Alcohol-Free Can Help Your ADHD

Quitting alcohol is difficult for many people, but for people with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), it can be a lot more difficult. That said, it is a challenge worth taking on because quitting alcohol is an incredibly effective way to help manage your ADHD and mental health.

How Does Alcohol Affect ADHD?

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder which is characterised by symptoms such as hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity. Drinking alcohol affects all of these symptoms, exacerbating what is already there.

Alcohol affects the pre-frontal cortex of your brain. This is the part of the brain which is affected by ADHD and is in charge of impulse control, attention and decision-making. Drinking alcohol affects your pre-frontal cortex by making it less able to function, thus making your ADHD symptoms worse.

On top of this, alcohol affects your dopamine levels. Many people with ADHD already have imbalanced dopamine levels, so whilst initially alcohol might increase dopamine, this can cause problems in the long run. If you initially feel better when drinking alcohol your brain will start to see it as a reward and your motivation for drinking alcohol will increase and be difficult to regulate.

This lack of regulation is exactly what leads to drinking disorders such as binge drinking and alcohol misuse disorder. In fact, some 42% of people with ADHD binge drink whenever they drink alcohol. While not everyone with ADHD will develop alcohol addictions, there is a very clear correlation between ADHD and alcohol misuse disorder.

How Does Going Alcohol-Free Help Manage ADHD?

So now you know a little bit about the way in which alcohol affects ADHD symptoms, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why quitting alcohol will help you to manage your ADHD.

More Stable Mood

Alcohol affects the chemical balance in your brain. That is because alcohol is a depressant and affects your neurotransmitters. In the long term, it can use these neurotransmitters up, leading to depression and anxiety. People with ADHD already have much lower levels of certain neurotransmitters (such as dopamine), so this can happen much more quickly and severely in people with ADHD.

By quitting alcohol you allow your brain chemicals to rebalance themselves. As little as four to five weeks after quitting alcohol, you are likely to start feeling much more stable.

With a more stable mood, it is much easier to deal with the everyday challenges of having ADHD, making it easier to keep up healthy habits, keep your space tidy and keep a regular routine. All of these are things that can take some of the pressure off of managing ADHD.

More Sleep 

People with ADHD often need more sleep. Despite that, ADHD actually also causes many issues with sleep. After all, it is a 24-hour condition. People with ADHD often have a delayed circadian rhythm, insomnia or difficulties staying asleep. In fact, between 40-80% of adults with ADHD have sleep-related problems.

Drinking alcohol significantly decreases your sleep quality and also causes issues with sleep. This can really exacerbate the problems that people with ADHD have with sleep. Therefore, one great way to improve your sleep length and quality, as someone with ADHD, is to quit alcohol.

People with ADHD who get more sleep are likely to find that they have more impulse control, improved ability to focus and fewer mood swings. All of which makes getting through day-to-day life much easier for people with ADHD.  

Less Impulsive Decision Making

One of the things that people with ADHD often struggle with is impulse control. This can lead to impulsive decisions that have negative consequences. Recognise this? Because this is also a common side effect of drinking alcohol! Many of our worst decisions have been taken when on alcohol. So compounding the effects of ADHD and alcohol can lead to very impulsive decisions, or to the feeling that you have lost control of your life.

When you quit alcohol, you allow your frontal lobe to have more control over your decisions. This means you are able to think more clearly about them, allowing you to make better and more responsible life choices. In the long run, this allows you to make decisions that benefit your life and help you to manage your ADHD more positively.

ADHD Medicine Will Become More Effective

People who manage their ADHD with medication may find that alcohol interacts with the medication.

Alcohol interacts with stimulants such as Adderall (a common ADHD medication). Stimulants increase central nervous system activity, whilst alcohol decreases central nervous activity. This means that drinking alcohol can make stimulants much less effective because the alcohol counteracts the effects. On top of this, drinking whilst taking stimulants causes your body to process them differently, which can cause negative or even dangerous side effects.

By avoiding alcohol you give your body the optimal conditions for your ADHD medication to work. Effective ADHD medication can make it much easier to focus, plan your time and control your impulses. All of which will increase your overall health, happiness and wellbeing.

Better Physical Health

Adults with ADHD have a higher risk of physical illness, including nervous system, respiratory, musculoskeletal, and metabolic diseases. Drinking alcohol increases this risk. By quitting alcohol your body will be much healthier and you will reduce the chance of serious illness. Here are just some of the physical health benefits of quitting alcohol:

  • more energy;

  • better gut health;

  • lower blood pressure;

  • lower risk of heart disease and cancer;

  • a healthier liver;

  • weight loss;

  • better sex.

Having a physically healthier body affects your mental well-being too. With better physical health and a more stable mood, you can really own your ADHD.

Make Quitting Alcohol Easier with the JOMO Club

If you are looking to take your physical and mental well-being to the next level, and really want to make your ADHD more manageable, then quitting alcohol will make a huge difference.

So how can you make quitting alcohol enjoyable? Easy! Try a JOMO club alcohol-free subscription box. With a JOMO subscription, you will regularly receive a hamper filled to the brim with delicious alcohol-free goodies. Each hamper is mindfully curated using the most delicious and ethically created alcohol-free products out there.

Each box contains a full-sized, alcohol-free spirit alongside mixers and garnishes to make a range of alcohol-free cocktails. Next to this, you will receive a tasty selection of snacks and ready-to-drink, alcohol-free beverages. Each box also contains a glossy magazine with everything you need to know about the world of alcohol-free drinks and your new goodies.

So sign up for a JOMO subscription now and discover the joy of missing out!