Jomo Club

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Why You Should Incorporate CBD Into Your Routine

As we have taken a deeper interest in CBD over the past year, taking CBD is now part of our daily routine. We have a cup of CBD infused coffee for our morning focus and in the afternoon the world is our oyster. 

Given that we are usually settling down with a gorgeous alcohol-free drink after work, to us, it only made sense that this was infused with CBD for our evening sense of calm. 

Cannasa’s sparkling CBD Jasmine, Peach, Apple and Lemon drink has been a show-stopper in JOMO’s Limited Edition CBD Box. Served beautifully on it’s own over ice or in the Easy Peach Cocktail which was paired with 50ml Edi Spirits (or your favourite alcohol-free spirit) topped with Cannasa and garnished with rose petals. No ice, just chilled in a martini glass. 

When taking CBD, it is usually to make you feel better, whatever you may be taking it for. Sleep, anxiety and depression, muscle soreness. Cannasa have identified this and therefore ensured there are no preservatives, artificial ingredients and nasties in their bottles. 

For those coming to this piece fresh from CBD knowledge, CBD is the non-psychoactive part of the hemp plant. With seven scientifically backed benefits, CBD is growing in popularity and awareness as people unlock how it benefits them personally. A stigma that originally surrounded CBD is also slowly (still there, but slowly) starting to dissipate. 

Cannasa use micro encapsulated CBD meaning there is no earthy aroma or taste of hemp, no separation of CBD and the drink, no allergens, no preservatives and the CBD is protected from light and oxygen. With the way we consume CBD and where it is sourced being extremely important and something to take note of when you choose your CBD products, Cannasa is made in the UK with locally sourced CBD - PLUS they are carbon neutral and use recyclable packaging so you can drink knowing your sips are doing no harm to our planet. 2p of every bottle sold also goes to the drinks trust. 

So, how did it all start? Founders Matthew Pygott and Gregor Pecnik, sustainability consultants wanted to create delicious hemp drinks people can use in social situations instead of oils. With them both leading active lifestyles, they were both conscious about their wellbeing and what they put into their bodies. Hemp is one of the most useful and sustainable plants in the world and they believe more people should be aware of its benefits. 

Along with the gorgeous peach flavour, Cannasa also have the Rose, Lime Flower, Raspberry and Lemon Sparkling Drink! It looks gorgeous and well, it tastes blimmin’ gorgeous too.

You can enjoy Cannasa’s full range and unlock the benefits of CBD today with a 20% discount waiting there for you at You can also follow their journey @drinkcannasa.