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9 Ways to Practise Kindness for World Kindness Day

Being kind to everyone is one of the basic rules in any primary school classroom Yet it is somehow something that we often forget in the stress of everyday life. So World Kindness Day, on November 13th, is an excellent day to start trying to flex your kindness muscles again. After all, wouldn’t we all like to live in a world where we treat each other with kindness?

The Three Degrees Ripple Effect

Sometimes, especially when living in a big city, it can feel like your random acts of kindness do not have much effect on people. But did you know that kindness is contagious? 

Research by Dr David Hamilton has suggested that one single act of kindness spreads out through three degrees of social separation. If you do the maths on this one, that means if you are kind to one person, and that person pays this forward and is kind to one person too, then you are actually spreading it to at least 156 people. And, in reality, the kindness likely passes on much further than three degrees of separation. Three degrees is just where the research has stopped so far! 

This means that one single act of kindness causes a long chain of kindness and spreads positivity to many more people than you would expect. So imagine if you were especially kind to everyone you saw in one day, think how many people you would affect!

9 Ways to Celebrate World Kindness Day 

So how can you be kinder to the people around you? Well, here are 9 things you can do on World Kindness Day (and any other day you like) to spread positivity and kindness. 

Compliment People Around You

When we interact with people, we often notice things we like about them, for instance, their outfit, smile or general vibe. For some reason, however, we often do not vocalise these compliments. So, this World Kindness Day, why not get into the habit of giving the compliments that you are thinking?

My mum is very good at this. Even if we are walking in a crowded underground station in London and she notices someone wearing a nice pair of shoes, she will do her best to compliment the person on their shoes, whether she knows them or not. Every single time, the recipient of the compliment looks happy to hear it. 

But you don’t have to compliment strangers if that seems too scary. There are plenty of people we interact with daily whom you can compliment more: your colleagues, friends, family, the waitress at your local café and the list goes on. 

Leave a Generous Tip 

Another way to practise kindness is to leave a generous tip next time you eat or drink out. A generous or surprising tip can make a big difference to your waiter or waitress. It shows your appreciation of the good work they are doing and recognises how hard they are working. So, don’t forget to share generously where you can. 

Send a Card to a Friend

Since the arrival of email and smartphones, checking the post has become increasingly disappointing. Nowadays you receive mostly bills, taxes and adverts in the post. So what if you sent a card to your friend in the post? Amongst all the bills an exciting, hand-addressed envelope would arrive from you. 

This is a great way to make someone feel special and cared for. It brings an unexpected joy to their day and helps spread positivity and kindness. It's a big reward for what is actually minimal effort! 

Text Someone You Appreciate 

Often, we forget to tell those closest to us that we appreciate them. So here is your reminder to pick up your phone right now and text somebody important to you. I did it just now, and now it’s your turn! 

Pick Up Litter

Sometimes kindness is not something that you do directly for someone. Things like picking up litter, campaigning for more green spaces, and taking action on issues that you are passionate about are all acts of kindness. These help to make the world a more enjoyable and fairer place to live in. It doesn’t mean you have to join a campaign to change the world, small everyday actions like keeping your local park clean make a huge difference too!

Offer to Cook for A Friend

Have you ever been so tired or stressed that cooking dinner feels like one thing too many? I’m sure many of us have felt this way before. It’s always a blessing when somebody steps in and offers to cook for you. So, even if your friend is not having a tough time, why not offer to cook a meal for them? 

You can make it a nice evening, cook a tasty dinner and enjoy each other's company. Maybe pour a tasty glass of alcohol-free wine or make a delicious alcohol-free cocktail. And, if you are feeling particularly generous, why not cook extra so your friend gets leftovers?

Be Kind to Yourself

Do you know the best way to spread positivity in the world? Be kind to yourself. If you treat yourself with kindness and empathy, you are more likely to be able to have the space to care for others. So speak kindly to yourself, practise self-care and drink enough water! 

Give Someone a Gift

While this is perhaps a less everyday act of kindness, a great way of showing your appreciation for someone and spreading positivity is to give a gift. By making or finding the perfect gift, you demonstrate how much the other person means to you. Receiving a surprise gift helps put you in a good mood for the day. So what better way to share positivity than to give someone a gift? 

Give the Gift of JOMO

If you want to spread kindness, positivity or a fantastic gift, then the JOMO Club alcohol-free subscription is perfect for you. Whether you want to give the gift of knowledge by sharing recommendations of delicious alcohol-free drinks or gift yourself and others a literal subscription to the JOMO club, JOMO has everything you need. 

With a JOMO subscription (or gift subscription), you will receive a box filled to the brim with delicious alcohol-free goodies, directly to your front door. Each box is mindfully curated using only the best alcohol-free brands and snacks available on the market. So spread the joy of missing out with a JOMO alcohol-free subscription!