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6 Things To Know About Sober Dating

It's officially cuffing season and people are out and about and mingling. If you feel like sober dating sounds scary or hard, you wouldn't be alone! A lot of dating culture revolves around meeting in bars and using alcohol to break the ice and awkwardness. So how do you date when you don’t drink regularly?

Well, fear not! Alcohol-free dating is completely possible and can even help you connect on a deeper level. So here are six things you to know, that might help you when sober dating!

1. Tell Your Date in Advance

Whilst you absolutely don’t need to tell your date that you do not drink or drink mindfully in advance, it can be useful. This has two potential benefits. 

Firstly, you will be able to avoid any awkwardness around ordering alcohol at the beginning of the date. This is particularly useful if you find it hard to avoid alcohol - there won't be a conversation about it, and you won't feel the expectation to order alcohol. If your date knows you don’t drink they are less likely to pressurise you into drinking.

It also allows you to weed out people who make might an issue out of your sobriety or mindful drinking habits. You will also weed out people who do not want to date someone that doesn’t drink alcohol. Whilst this rejection can feel hurtful at the moment, it's much better that you don’t spend time and energy cultivating a relationship that doesn’t match!

2. Avoid Feeling Embarrassed or Ashamed

Often times it can feel embarrassing not to drink alcohol. It can feel like you aren’t fun and easy-going enough, or that you are boring. Or you might feel ashamed of the reason why you do not drink. But there is absolutely no need to feel ashamed about not drinking alcohol.

It can feel like you need to justify the decision not to drink and really explain it. But again, this is not the case. Try not to over-justify or over-explain why you do not drink. You can give them a short reason if you feel like it, but you don’t owe any explanation - especially on the first date! If people are uncomfortable with you not drinking that is really their issue to solve.

3. Date Whoever You Want

Can a sober person date a drinker? This is a commonly asked question, and the answer is, date whoever you want to date. People who are sober are absolutely welcome to date people who drink and vice versa.

It is worth noting that if sobriety is difficult for someone, dating a drinker might make this harder still. You might also find that you are more naturally drawn to people who place a similar value on drinking and going out. If you drink less and party less you might not be the perfect match for a heavy drinker and partier. That said, it's also entirely possible that you are a great match based on other reasons. 

What it comes down to is being aware of the priorities that people have in their life and making sure they match to some extent. The amount of alcohol someone drinks might not even come into the equation. 

3. Cherish A Less Artificial Connection

Whilst there might be some more awkwardness on the first date, and making the first move can seem terrifying, building a relationship, and particularly building intimacy is less artificial when there is minimal or no alcohol involved. 

Without alcohol, you have nothing to hide behind and no protective blanket. What this means is you have to be more vulnerable, but that makes your connection more real. It is not obscured by an artificial layer.

So when feeling nervous to make the first move without the protecting blanket of alcohol, remember that you are establishing a really worthwhile connection.

4. Try Sober Dating Apps

If you know that you do not want to date somebody who drinks alcohol then it is sensible to state that in your dating app information or try using a sober dating app. Whilst these tend to have a slightly smaller dating pool than traditional dating apps, they are a great place to look for people who only want to date sober.

5. Don’t Date in Bars

When going on a sober date it can be helpful to plan the location of the date. More often than not first dates take place in a bar. If you are staying sober or trying to drink more mindfully this isn’t always the best location for a sober date.

Luckily there are plenty of other sober date ideas you can choose from. Why not try meeting in a coffee shop? Or you could even arrange an activity like going bowling, ice skating or even go for the traditional cinema date!

6. Try JOMO For An Excellent Alcohol-Free Date

Want to share a nice drink with a new date but don’t drink alcohol? Then dive into the world of alcohol-free drinks and sign up for a JOMO subscription. That way you will receive a hamper, filled to the brim with delicious alcohol-free beverages, to share with your date.

Each JOMO box contains a mindful selection including:

  • One full-sized alcohol-free spirit

  • Cocktail recipes, mixers and garnishes to pair with the spirit

  • Thoughtfully chosen snacks

  • A range of ready to drink non-alcoholic beverages

  • A 20-page magazine with all things alcohol-free

This is the perfect treat to unbox with a date and explore alcohol-free dating!