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5 Health Benefits of Ginger

Since making our way through the world of alcohol-free drinks, we realise not only are we reducing alcohol from our life, but many drinks are also contributing positively with incredible health benefits. Previously the option of a glass of OJ or cola filled us with nothing more than a sugar high and disappointment, whereas brands are now placing health at the forefront including ingredients that not only taste good but make us feel good too. 

In walks ginger

An ingredient we consume most days, morning, noon or night, and is prevalent in many cocktails due to its kick and versatility, is ginger. Oh ginger, how we love you.

Anti-Inflammatory and Metabolism Booster

Gingerol is the active compound in ginger and has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger is nature’s energiser giving you a boost. You may have heard of the health rituals which have included a shot of ginger, this is why. Whether you are looking to lose weight or build muscle, adding ginger to your diet is a great way to boost your metabolism. Try having a shot before heading to the gym to burn more calories. 

Workout Recovery

Not only will it support your workout, but it also aids recovery. With ginger being a potent anti-inflammatory, it can speed up your recovery and help your body heal faster and more efficiently. 

Studies have also suggested ginger may help improve arthritis and joint pain, along with nausea and migraines. 


Ginger is also a natural anti-histamine so perfect for those who suffer from allergies or hay fever. It is good for your gut health too. It not only soothes the stomach but also aids digestion easing bloating and constipation while relaxing the smooth muscles in your gut to help move food along through the digestive tract. It also improves nutrient absorption. 

Sugar Levels

If we haven’t got you just yet, there’s more. Anxiety can often be caused by your blood sugar levels. Dips and spikes can cause anxiety, cravings and energy crashes. Ginger helps to regulate your blood sugar levels so instead of a chocolate bar grab the ginger shot for your afternoon slump. 

So how do you get your hands on it and how should it be served?

Root2Ginger has created a natural ginger drink packed with organic ginger, raw cane sugar and organic lemon juice. It is made as a concentrate so you can mix it to your preference. Mix with with sparkling, hot water or in a cocktail. Our favourite way is hot water in the morning, sparkling water for lunch and in a JOMO Mule for dinner (Aperitif, Root2Ginger and soda water garnished with a lime!)

Root2Ginger’s favourite way is mixed with pink grapefruit juice and topped with soda or hot with a slice of orange.

Founder Deanne’s family come from Jamaica moving to the UK in the 1950s settling in Manchester. “As a young girl I watched my Mother and Aunts carry on their family tradition of making ginger beer. They grated ginger by hand on large graters from Jamaica which were sharp and lethal. It was a job that took all day as there was no such thing as small portions in our family.” 

Deanne shared they always had cans of Old Jamaica Ginger Beer in the house like many Caribbean families and ginger was a part of everyday life - from cooking to drinking. “I have been making ginger beer for myself for over 25 years. Gifting to family and friends at Easter and Christmas. In 2017, I grew tired of making so many bottles so I developed the recipe into a concentrate as it meant I could give people more of our natural ginger in the same sized bottle for them to dilute themselves as it had a long shelf life. We also began to cold press the ginger to maximise the retention of nutrients. We sourced premium organic ginger with a high amount of gingerol, to provide maximum benefits.”

They do now have modern juicers, but working with ginger is still hard work. With a new generation appreciating the health benefits of ginger, they are on the quest to share Root2Ginger far and wide. 

One customer told Root2Ginger ‘my dear, this was made for the Gods!’ They also love when the older generation says ‘that takes me back’ or ‘this is the real thing’.

You can explore Root2Ginger’s range and find your perfect serve on and follow their journey @root2ginger