10 Reasons Someone Might Not Be Drinking Alcohol

Written by Kathryn Stone.

10 Reasons Someone Might be Alcohol Free

Mindful drinking, sober curious and alcohol free are all on the rise. But if you are a big lover of alcohol it can be hard to understand why some people might not be able to or might not want to drink. 

But don’t worry; we are here to explain some common reasons why people might not be able to drink alcohol so you don’t need to ask anyone why they aren’t  drinking but can still satisfy your curiosity!


1. The Designated Driver

If you bump into someone who is not drinking, it could be because they are the designated driver for that night. Let’s face it; someone has to take on the task of driving everyone to the kebab shop or the McDonald's drive-through before going home. Maybe you bumped into the group's knight in sober armour!

2. Illness

By now, it is common knowledge that drinking alcohol is not always the healthiest habit. And for many people with chronic illnesses and other conditions, it might negatively affect someone more. Alcohol is, for example, a depressant, so it can really exacerbate conditions like ADHD or depression. Similarly, some illnesses, such as myalgic encephalomyelitis, can cause alcohol intolerance.

This means that drinking alcohol can negatively affect someone's health substantially, or enough to mean that life is just more fun by staying away from alcohol.

3. Medications

Related to this, some medications do not mix well with alcohol. I’m sure some of us have mixed alcohol and antibiotics or alcohol and paracetamol at some point in our lives. This isn’t such a good plan as it can damage your digestive system or hinder your recovery.

And for some medications, the reaction can be more severe. If you do intend to drink, it's definitely a good idea to check the interactions with your medication. But better still, why not have an alcohol free beverage and avoid the risk of harmful interactions?!


4. A history of Alcohol Use Disorder

In the UK, alcohol use disorder (what used to be known as alcoholism) is surprisingly common. Some 1 in 5 children are affected negatively by their parents drinking. If someone is not drinking alcohol, it may be due to a history of alcohol use disorder by them or someone else in the family. They may choose not to drink because they have recovered from the disorder or have seen how it affected their family member and do not want to risk the same thing happening to them.

5. Pregnancy

Again, another common reason that people might choose to go alcohol free is that they are pregnant. Drinking alcohol whilst pregnant can increase people’s chances of having a miscarriage or cause other problems with their pregnancy, or it can affect the child after birth. This is why it is strongly advised that people who are pregnant do not drink alcohol.

6. Religion

Worldwide, one of the most common reasons people might go alcohol free is their religion. Many religions teach that it is sinful to drink alcohol, and temperance is a common practice in large swathes of the world.


7. Anxiety

Getting drunk can cause people to feel like they are losing control. It can also cause dizziness and nausea. This can be very anxiety-inducing, especially for people who already have anxiety. So some people prefer to stay in control and avoid alcohol to have a good time!

8. Safety

When people drink alcohol, they tend to make decisions more spontaneously, have fewer boundaries and have less sense of what is happening around them. So, if, for example, someone is travelling in a place they don’t know, out by themselves, or wanting to keep themselves safe, they might choose not to drink so that they can keep their wits about them and not do something they might regret.

9. Want to Save Money

What with the cost of living crisis and the general price of alcohol anyway, it's no secret that alcohol can be pricey. A very good way to save money is to cut down on how much you drink.

10. Maybe They Just Don’t Want To

There are a bazillion other reasons why someone might not drink. One is that they might just not want to. Hangovers suck, and weekends are short. It's still possible to have a lot of fun without drinking, so not everyone wants to drink any more!


As you can see, there are so many reasons someone might choose not to drink alcohol and go alcohol-free. These range from impersonal reasons, like being the designated driver, to personal and potentially traumatic reasons. 

But the great news is, you don’t have to drink alcohol. And, even if you like the taste and feel of alcohol you don’t have to miss out! 

With alcohol free beverages of all kind now available, whether your pregnant, sick or don’t want a hangover, you can still sit down for an ice cold, beer after work on Friday, just choose a zero percent alcohol. You don’t even need to tell anyone if you don’t want to!


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